
COVID-19 Advisory

COVID-19 Advisory

Dear patients,

At Cayman Neurology and Pain Management, we remain committed to providing our patient with the highest quality care, even in extreme situations like now with the COVID-19 disease. 

To ensure the uninterrupted care of our patients, while minimizing risk of infection spread, we are now offering Remote Consultations. Remote consultations can be scheduled in the same way as normal visits – to do so, please contact our offices by phone, by email at info@caymanneurologist.com, or on our website www.CaymanNeurologist.com.

Video/Audio visits will be conducted over Zoom, which can be accessed at www.zoom.us. No account is needed – just click “Join a Meeting” and enter the 9-digit meeting ID with which you will be provided prior to your visit.

We wish you good health and safety. Please contact us with any questions or concerns.

Warm regards,

Cayman Neurology and Pain Management

To learn more or to request an appointment with the specialists at Cayman Neurology and Pain Management, call 1 (345) 943-6900 or click on the link below.


Cayman Neurologists